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Payment Method

As an organization owner or Billing Manager, you can update your billing settings, including payment method, billing information, and billing email recipients at any time.

To update payment method and billing information, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Katalon TestOps.
  2. Select your Organization. Go to Settings > Payment Method.

  3. The Payment Method page appears.

  4. Input your information and click Save.

Edit credit card information

In Katalon TestOps, only credit cards are supported, and you can only save one card in each organization.

If you wish to replace a pre-existing credit card, go to the Payment Method section, then click Update.

update payment

Enter your new credit card information, then click Add new card. The old credit card information is replaced with the new card. This information cannot be retrieved.

This card is now the default for all billing purposes, including subscription renewals.

Delete an existing credit card

  • You cannot undo this action. Once you delete the card, it is permanently removed from your organization.

To delete an existing credit card, in the Payment Method section, click Delete and confirm your action.