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Virtual Data Analyst in TestOps

This page provides an overview of the AI-powered virtual data analyst feature and its related properties.

  • This Proof of Concept (PoC) is meant to showcase a new, experimental feature that is still in beta. We recommend using this PoC for evaluation purposes only.

About Virtual Data Analyst

Virtual Data Analyst (beta) is a new feature that uses the capabilities of generative AI to analyze TestOps data and subsequently create actionable insights.

These easily shareable insights can be used by teams to quickly attain a high-level overview of their project's testing quality, release readiness, and other ongoing activities.

Users can view these results within AI-powered blocks straight from within the project dashboard. Click on a question and an answers section to the right will pop up.

Virtual data analyst's answers section.

AI-powered blocks

AI-powered blocks are dynamic text blocks within the Virtual Data Analyst feature that display the results of your questions based on the data you already have available in your project. They are found at the top of the answers section, marked with a purple icon.

Ai powered blocks in Virtual data analyst.

You can refresh the blocks at any time to fetch new insights. You can also expand the blocks to have a full view of the insights it offers. It contains information such as identifying data trends or making improvement suggestions.

  • AI responses are not a substitute for professional expertise. Use your own judgment and when evaluating and acting on the information provided.

Ask Virtual Data Analyst questions

This page provides an overview of the questions you can ask Virtual Data Analyst.

  • This Proof of Concept (PoC) is meant to showcase a new, experimental feature that is still in beta. We recommend using this PoC for evaluation purposes only.

At the moment there are 3 preset questions you can ask, all of which are found on the top left portion of Katalon Platform's project dashboard. To navigate to it, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to Katalon Platform. Then from the Katalon Platform homepage, select the project you'd like to analyze by clicking on the dropdown menu on the upper left corner.
    Organization and project menu in Katalon Platform.
    1. This will take you to your project dashboard.
  2. You can find the questions you can ask the Virtual Data Analyst at the upper left corner of your project dashboard.
    The questions you can ask Virtual Data Analyst.
  3. Click on any of the questions. A section will pop-up on the right side of the screen with the AI-generated answers.
    The AI generated answers in Virtual Data Analyst.
  4. To view the complete answer, click on the Expand button.
    The expand button in Virtual Data Analyst's answer section.
    1. This will show a pop-up page with all the information on display.
      The full answer in Virtual Data Analyst.
    • Should you want to renew Virtual Data Analyst's answer for any reason, then click on the Refresh button. This will cause it to reanalyze your data and regenerate the AI block's contents. The refresh button in Virtual Data Analyst's AI block.
    • Should you want to share these insights easily, then click on the Copy button. This will copy the complete answer onto your machine's clipboard. You can then paste it wherever you need to. The copy button in Virtual Data Analyst's AI block.
      • To paste text on Windows, press CTRL + V.
      • To paste text on Mac, press Command-V.
You've viewed Virtual Data Analyst's answers to your question. To see the individual data points that were used to reach the conclusions presented, simply scroll down the answers section.