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Set desired execution behaviors of Katalon Studio

Execution settings help define the desired behaviors of Katalon Studio during test execution. To access default Execution Settings of a project in Katalon Studio, from the main menu, select Project > Settings > Execution.

Execution Settings

You can see the following information in the execution settings:
  • Default execution: The default environment that Katalon Studio uses for executing test scripts.
  • Log executed test steps: Decide whether the logs include executed test steps or not. Learn more.
  • Default wait for element timeout (in seconds): The default timeout period that Katalon Studio waits for the application under test to be loaded when executing the automation test.
  • Post-Execution Options: These options decide the actions that Katalon Studio performs after finishing test execution.
    • Open report: Specify whether the report generated after your test suite's execution finishes is to be opened immediately.
    • Terminate drivers: Specify when any driver remains after execution is terminated.
Under the execution settings, you can also configure:
  • Launch Arguments
  • Web UI

  • Web Sevice

Default execution settings

  • Default execution: The default environment that Katalon Studio uses for executing test scripts.
  • Log executed test steps: Decide whether the logs include executed test steps or not. Learn more.
  • Default wait for element timeout (in seconds): The default timeout period that Katalon Studio waits for the application under test to be loaded when executing the automation test.
  • Post-Execution Options: These options decide the actions that Katalon Studio performs after finishing test execution.
    • Open report: Specify whether the report generated after your test suite's execution finishes is to be opened immediately.
    • Terminate drivers: Specify when any driver remains after execution is terminated.

Allow editing JVM parameters in Execution Settings

  • Katalon Studio version 7.2.5 onwards

  • An active Katalon Studio Enterprise license. To learn more about types of licenses, you can refer to this document: Types of licenses.

You can edit VM arguments in the execution settings by going to Project > Settings > Execution > Launch Arguments.

In the VM Arguments tab, enter your arguments. VM Arguments entered in the executions settings of a project change the behavior of a Java process of each execution. For example:

To make sure if the configuration works, add this simple test case:

import com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil

Currently, Katalon Studio does not support VM arguments values containing space. Below is a list of the most used JVM Parameters:

Specify minimal and maximal heap sizes:
  • -Xms<heap size>[unit]
  • -Xmx<heap size>[unit]
  • -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<metaspace size>[unit]
Garbage collection implementation types:
  • Serial Garbage Collector: -XX:+UseSerialGC
  • Parallel Garbage Collector: -XX:+UseParallelGC
  • CMS Garbage Collector: -XX:+USeParNewGC
  • G1 Garbage Collector: -XX:+UseG1GC
Garbage collection logging:
  • Specify the log file rolling policy: -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation

  • Denote the max number of log files that can be written for a single application life cycle: -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=< number of log files >

  • Specify the max size of the file: -XX:GCLogFileSize=< file size >[ unit ]

  • Denote the file's location: -Xloggc:/path/to/gc.log

Handling out of memory:
  • Dump heap into physical file in case of OutOfMemoryError: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
  • Denote the path where the file is to be written: -XX:HeapDumpPath=./java_pid<pid>.hprof
  • Issue emergency commands to be executed in case of out of memory error: -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="< cmd args >;< cmd args >"

  • Limits the proportion of the VM's time that is spent in GC before an OutOfMemory error is thrown: -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit

WebUI settings

You can set default settings for Web UI test execution by going to Project > Settings > Execution > WebUI.

These settings decide Katalon Studio behaviors when executing WebUI test in a project.
  • Default Smart Wait: Tell the web driver to wait for the web page to become static before any operations are performed. Learn more.
  • Default wait when IE hangs: Specify Katalon Studio default waiting time when IE hangs.
  • Default page load timeout:

    • Wait until the page is loaded: Katalon Studio waits for the web page to load completely.
    • Wait for (in seconds): The default timeout period (in seconds) that Katalon Studio waits for the web page to load.
  • Delay between actions: The time for Katalon Studio to wait between test steps when executing test cases.

    • in seconds: This option is selected by default.
    • in milliseconds: This option is supported in Katalon Studio version 7.3 onwards.

See also:

Web Service settings

  • Katalon Studio version 7.6.0 onwards

  • An active Katalon Studio Enterprise license

You can set default settings for Web Service test execution by going to Project > Settings > Execution > Web Service. The following global configurations are applied to both RESTful and SOAP requests in a project.

  • Connection Timeout in milliseconds (0=unlimited): The time to establish the connection with the remote server. When it is set to 0 or left empty, Katalon waits for a response forever.

  • Socket Timeout in milliseconds (0=unlimited): The time waiting for data – after establishing the connection.

  • Max Response size in bytes: The maximum number of bytes Katalon Studio renders from a response. When it is set to 0 or left empty, Katalon Studio downloads a response regardless of its size. Please note that downloading a large response may affect the application's performance.

For your convenience, we provide a shortcut to these global settings in a test request view.

A test request view

Web Service settings in script view

  • Katalon Studio version 7.6.0 onwards.

  • An active Katalon Studio Enterprise license

You can set request timeout and maximum response size via a script using the built-in functions of Katalon Studio.

Request timeout

  • Override timeout settings of a project in a test case
    Map<String, Object> generalSettings = RunConfiguration.getExecutionGeneralProperties()
    generalSettings.put(RunConfiguration.REQUEST_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 3500)
    generalSettings.put(RunConfiguration.REQUEST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, 3500)
  • Change timeout settings of a specific test request

    RequestObject request = findTestObject("Object Repository/Localhost") request.setConnectionTimeout(3500) request.setSocketTimeout(3500)

    // Or to unset the timeout request.setConnectionTimeout(RequestObject.TIMEOUT_UNSET) request.setSocketTimeout(RequestObject.TIMEOUT_UNSET)

    // Or to set the timeout to unlimited request.setConnectionTimeout(RequestObject.TIMEOUT_UNLIMITED) request.setSocketTimeout(RequestObject.TIMEOUT_UNLIMITED)
    // Or if you just want to set to its default value (The default value is set to unlimited) request.setConnectionTimeout(RequestObject.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) request.setSocketTimeout(RequestObject.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

Maximum response time

  • Katalon Studio also supports setting the maximum response size of execution using -maxResponseSize in the command line. Learn more.

  • Override response size limit of a project in a test case

    Map<String, Object> generalSettings = RunConfiguration.getExecutionGeneralProperties()
    generalSettings.put(RunConfiguration.REQUEST_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE, 400)
  • Change maximum response size setting of a specific test request

    RequestObject request = findTestObject("Object Repository/Basic Auth")

    // Or to unset response size limit. And so, the project's max response size setting will be used.

    // Or to set response size limit to unlimited

    // Or if you just want to set to its default value (The default value is set to unlimited)