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Keyboard Shortcuts in Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio has keyboard shortcuts for common actions, including file management, editing, running, and debugging. Using shortcuts for your most common actions can significantly increase your productivity.

This reference lists out default keyboard shortcuts and their actions in Katalon Studio.

  • The list contains keyboard shortcuts based on Windows. macOS uses the key frequently instead of the Ctrl key.

Manage Files and Projects

Ctrl+Shift+R Open Resource (a file, folder or project).
Ctrl+OOpen Project.


Import default packages of built-in keywords.
Alt+Enter Show and access file properties.
Ctrl+S Save the current file.
Ctrl+Shift+S Save all files.
Ctrl+W Close the current file.
Ctrl+F5 Refresh the project.

Work with Editor Windows

  • Your cursor must be in an Editor Window to use these shortcuts.
Shortcut Action
Ctrl+M Maximize or restore the current Editor Window.
Ctrl++/- Zoom text in / out.
Home/End Jump to the beginning / end of indentation. Press home twice to jump to the beginning of the current line.
Ctrl+Home/End Jump to the beginning / end of source.
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow Right Jump one word to the left / right.
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down Jump to the previous / next method.
Ctrl+L Open the Go to Line dialog to navigate to a specific line.
Ctrl+Arrow Up/Arrow Down Scroll the Editor without changing the cursor position.

Text Selection

Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right Expand the selection by one character to the left / right.
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right Expand the selection to the previous / next word.
Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down Expand the selection by one line up / down.
Shift+End/Home Expand the selection to the end / beginning of the current line.
Ctrl+A Select all the text.

Text Editing

Shortcut Action
Ctrl+C/X/V Cut / copy / paste.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl+Y Reverse the previous undo.
Ctrl+D Delete the current line.
Ctrl+Delete Delete the next word.
Ctrl+Backspace Delete the previous word.
Shift+Enter Enter one line below current line.
Shift+Ctrl+Enter Enter one line above current line.
Shift+Ctrl+Y Change the selected text to lower case.
Shift+Ctrl+X Change the selected text to upper case.

Searching and Replacing

Ctrl+F Open the Find/Replace dialog.
Ctrl+K Find the next occurrence of the searched text.
Ctrl+Shift+K Find the previous occurrence of the searched text.
Ctrl+H Open the Search dialog.

Run and Debug

  • You need to open a Test Case or Test Suite Editor Window to use these shortcuts.
Ctrl+Shift+A Save all files and run the currently opened Test Case / Test Suite.
Ctrl+Shift+D Save all files and debug the currently opened Test Case / Test Suite.
F5 Step into - If the currently debugged line contains a function, the debugger enters the function and continues debugging line by line.
F6 Step over - The debugger steps over the currently debugged line by one line.
F7 Step out - The debugger steps out of the currently debugged function to the line where the function is called.
F8 Resume the execution.